Friday 15 May 2009

ANTM Cycle 12 Finale!

It's that time again, after an uneventful cycle one girl will win (most likely Teyona). I've heard spoilers which state Teyona's win so I wouldn't be shocked if she won especially since Aminat is placed so badly in the opening picture that I doubt she'll win therefore as Allison will not be able to win it has to be Teyona - right!
Allison looked so frightened! The problem is she just doesn't look like a model in person so I doubt she'll book jobs. The more I see McKey the more I find her disturbing, she spooks me out! Wow is Jay taller than 6'0! I thought he was like 5'10 - 5'11 considering he looked taller than Mckey and I thought McKey was 5'11.
Aminat has the same problem with the gap in her front teeth - like Danielle!
Aminat was OK, but she needs some elloquence lessons, besides taking butt ugly photos she's so similar to Danielle.
Allison has improved a lot but she still looked a bit frightened.
Teyona was awful! She was so bad that she'd go if it wasn't for Tyra's love for her so many favourites have fallen due to this commercial e.g. Analeigh! But the difference with Analeigh is that she wasn't loved by the judges, she was liked by the judges.
Teyona just isn't covergirl, I wonder how her shot looks because she can't smile properly - she's freaky when she smiles (but then you can say that with Allison at times).

Teyona - Very frightened and she was stiff.
Allison - She was quite stiff but at least she delivered it.
Aminat - She looked the best out of the three as she was the most relatable.


Teyona - Wow I actually liked her covergirl shot, well she had to smile like that or she'd look horrenduous.
Allison - I like it but I think she may have extended her chin a bit too much.
Aminat - Sadly her picture failed again, it was average it didn't look awful but it was dissapointing.


Teyona is a good model but she just can't work commercials, however much she improves - just like McKey but she still won anyway.

Call outs
Aminat - it's sad but it was obvious from the start that it was Teyona or Allison but I just tend to overanalyze.

I hope Aminat learns how to work her face because if she does she really has the potential to be the most successful ANTM ever - that's why Tyra gave her so many chances, she as a person has the most potential out of anybody that has ever been casted but sadly she just didn't get it by the final.

Teyona has definitely improved her smile but she needs to improve it more.
McKey really hasn't improved much on her walk, she still leads from her legs too much in my opinion, she drags her body along.
Teyona did well but I wish I could see Aminat doing this, she'll blow even Fernanda Motta out of the window (jk).
Allison has improved a lot! Bravo to her.
Miss Jay looked like she was going to reveal herself halfway through! Teyona looked like a lizard when crawling - as always! lol. Wow the ending was like an orgy as someone said on youtube! But I liked it! It was different, they worked it out.
Looking back everything was just way too predictable like with McKey, they've definitely reverted back to giving the favourite the win rather than the runner up spot. Tyra looked a bit big at judging looks like she's enjoying a little (big) cake or two!
The thing is the winner rarely has any photos shown after her win, this applies with Teyona I haven't seen a photo of her since but I've seen a few of Allison.
Teyona was sooo robotic in the walk!
Wow it's Allison (just joking! lol lol)
IT'S TEYONA - Like we didn't know that since week 1! Well sometimes it's better to be predictable, but hopefully the editors won't make it so obvious next cycle.

Yeah Fo was signed by Nous! Allison too! Go Fo! Go Allison! Well Natalie and Jessica got signed by Ford Los Angeles. Ford is definitely more prestigious but from what I've seen getting in Nous maybe better for Allison and Fo as Nous is a respected and well known little company whilst Ford has so many models that Natalie and Jessica will probably be forgotten by next year. But Nous is probably more well known for the men to name a few...
Aaron Castillo, Billy Marquet (former JDMA model), Chad White, Eddie Tucker, Simon Tham (he's half Asian he must be famous! lol), Tyson Beckford and JONATHAN WAUD! Any agency with Jonathan in it is enough for me to rank them highly lol!
Now hopefully Aminat, London and Nijah will also get signed and if Kortnie can too then all the better!

As a final thing I'd like to say emphasize on Teyona's astronomical call out. She is the first girl to average over 0.8 in call out ratios for the judges (using my method of scoring). In fact she scored 0.833. This score is so high compared to her next competition McKey and Joanie both at around 0.78. Most of the judges favourite girls have only made the high 0.7's for call outs but Teyona banishes that in every way possible - beat that Cycle 13!

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